Love Reading Habit is good for you

Love Reading Habit is good for you

Blog Article

Creating an intelligent and literate society is a joint work. To make love to read as a culture must start from yourself and your family so that later they can become an example for the surrounding community.

In the history of the Indonesian reading and literature movement, there have been many programs and declarations made by the government from time to time until now. From all that we know that every leader of this country has a great concern and attention to the condition of reading. They want their people to be intelligent and literate.

Reading has a very important position and role in the context of life, especially in the current era of information and communication. Reading is a bridge for those who want to achieve progress and success. Therefore, experts agree that reading literacy is an absolute prerequisite (conditio sine quanon) for anyone who wants to progress.

This was conveyed by the head of the Library analysis and Reading Culture Development Center of the National Library (Perpusnas) RI, Adin Bondar, in a webinar commemorating the National Reading Movement Day with the theme “family loves to read for Indonesia to grow, excel, and Maju” which took place virtually, Friday (12/11/2021).

“the family,as the smallest unit in the community ecosystem, is obliged to copyright the discipline and spirit of reading children from an early age, ” he said.

Adin added that the growth and development of a penchant for reading can be said to be an initial picture of how high the literacy of people in a country is. The two are interlocking links. However, a person's penchant for reading certainly requires a long process and conducive means.

“This process starts small and from the family environment, then developed in schools, and community environments,” said Adin.

Agreeing with this, Chairman of the reading Correctional movement (GPMB), Tjahjo Suprajogo, said that interest in reading should have been grown from the smallest unit in the community ecosystem, namely the family. Then from the next family can be synergized with many parties.

“beginning from the family later can synergize with many parties, such as ministries/institutions, educational institutions, local governments. It takes synergy from many parties in realizing the National Reading Movement,” explained Tjahjo.

Indonesian reading ambassador, Gol a Gong, exemplifies himself as an individual who is “kurang” less perfect but still able to achieve success thanks to books. In the past, Gol a Gong recalls, his parents always required him to diligently read books. Her mother, on the other hand, always read books to her every day. The moment of life made him realize that not only the stomach should be filled, but also the brain.

“we also have to feed upwards, not just from the mouth to the stomach, ” he said.

That experience is also what he now applies in his family, Gol a Gong puts books in every corner of his house. The effort is done so that when the children are tired of playing gadgets, they can switch to reading books.

“that way digital literacy is not hindered and reading literacy can still be enjoyed by children,” explained Gol a Gong.

Also sharing his experience, the mayor of South Tangerang in 2011-2021, Airin Rachmi Diany, explained that reading books to children can further strengthen the relationship between parents and children, and also give the impression that will continue to stick in the minds of children.

“reading books in a language that children can easily understand can strengthen the relationship between mother and child, rather than sit them down and give advice. Because it's probably just going to go in the right ear, out the left ear, ” Airin said.

Meanwhile, in terms of educational institutions, the head of SMA Negeri 70 Jakarta, Ratna Budiarti, explained that libraries and schools also have a very strategic role in increasing children's interest in reading. This is because in addition to being at home, children also spend a lot of time at school.

The efforts that have been made by the library of SMA Negeri 70 Jakarta include facilitating facilities and infrastructure in the library, enriching existing collections, encouraging creativity and student enthusiasm with the services provided, collaborating with various parties to expand the library's Resource Network, creating competitions for students related to literacy, and giving additional tasks to students outside the classroom.

“We are ready to continue the central and local government programs, one of which is the Jakarta Reading Movement program by creating a reading ecosystem that maximizes the school library system to build students ' reading interests, ” Ratna concluded.


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